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Better Core

Learn how to properly and effectively strengthen your core

100 US dollars
Powers Ferry Road

Service Description

What does it mean to have a “strong core”? Is it having a 6-pack? Does it mean you can do 100 sit-ups? Is it being able to hold a plank for 2 minutes? We all have our own definition of what the “core” is, and those of us who intentionally and regularly work on it most likely assume that ours is strong. But how do you know if your core is actually strong? Well, first let me share perhaps a new perspective on what the “core is” —because the 6-pack muscles, though desirable and pleasing to the eye, are the smallest and least important muscles in your core! The “core” is made up of all the muscles that attach to the lumbar spine and the pelvis. When used properly, these muscles create pressure, which provides stability and allows controlled movement. This ability to effectively create pressure provides a strong, stable base for all movements—whether it’s bending down to tie your shoe or snatching a 200 lb barbell over your head. Many people create this pressure through compensation by pushing their abs out, holding their breath, or using a belt. Over time, these compensations can lead to many types of pain and dysfunction—the most common ones being low back pain and stiffness, hamstring tightness, sciatica, hip or knee pain, and herniated discs. Disc herniations are way too common—and, in most cases, they are avoidable with proper core activation strategies. In my experience, disc herniations are more common in people who are very active and strong, but not using their core effectively. In this class, you will learn how to engage and strengthen the right muscles while minimizing compensatory strategies, and how having a better core can protect your low back in the future. This is small class with an intimate setting to allow for close supervision, instructions, attention to proper form, and modifications to exercises as needed. Participants may ask questions; however, this class is not intended to diagnose or treat illness or injury. If you have a medical condition, you may be advised to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional.

Contact Details

  • 2030 Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA, USA

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