I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy and running specialist in the Atlanta area. I graduated from The University of Florida with a bachelors degree in Exercise Physiology in 2006 and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy in 2009. I completed a Sports Residency at the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute and Shands UF in 2010. Since then, I have been working with athletes from all different sports and fitness levels. In 2012, I became a Board Certified Sports Specialist and developed a Running Program at my previous place of employment.

I took about a year off from being a full-time therapist to be a stay-at-home mom. It was in this time that I realized how much I missed working with patients and needed a way to continue to grow as a therapist. I decided to form my own practice in 2018 when I realized that this would be the best way for me to treat clients and give them the care, attention, and education they deserve. Thus, Engage Physical Therapy, LLC was created.
Another thing that you should know about me is that I am extremely passionate about what I do. I love helping and educating people on how to keep their bodies healthy. I believe that" knowledge is power". I dislike the way most Physical Therapy clinics practice because bigger companies and corporations are driven by revenue and productivity, not quality of care, and their treatment plans are determined by the insurance companies. Most of the patients I see in my practice have been to Physical Therapy elsewhere, but have not achieved the results they want because they have not gotten consistent care or proper attention. In larger practices, they simply don’t have enough time to devote to every patient. I know because I have worked in these types of environments in the past. That is why I love having my own practice. It allows me the flexibility to treat patients based on what they need, when they need it, and gives me the opportunity to educate and explain what is going on so my patients have a better understanding of what they need to do to and why it is going to help them.
Another philosophy of mine is “Less is more”. The fitness industry has really taken off in the past decade thanks to social media and advances in technology. However, I am finding that more people are getting injured and doing more harm than good in their attempt to be fit and healthy. There are also a lot of fitness myths out there, as well. In creating this practice, I hope to be a trustworthy resource for those who are truly seeking ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay active for a lifetime.
Please check out the articles on my blog and follow Engage Physical Therapy on Facebook to learn some fitness do’s and don’ts and what you can do to keep your body healthy!